Brenda holds an MA in Security Studies from Georgetown University and a BA (Hons) in Politics, Psychology and Sociology from the University of Cambridge. She loves her TV, and sometimes, she thinks aloud.
Predator Drones: As Drone Strikes Increase, Obama Needs Clearer Guidelines On UAVs
Obama Burma Trip: 3 Key Goals for the President
War With Iran, Cyber Warfare, and the Top 5 Foreign Policy Issues for Obama and Romney to Battle Over in 2012
Mac Virus Could Be Start of Bigger Cyber Attack
David Petraeus For President? 4 Reasons Why He's Right For the Job
North Korea Leader Dead
To Sell Climate Change, Talk Energy Security
Georgetown Students Help Uncover Chinese Nuclear Weapons
Rankings Are Not Entirely Pointless
GOP Candidates Exaggerate Threat of Cyber Terrorism
Drone Strikes Fail to Fight Root Problem of Terrorism
OWS' Eviction Doesn't Matter, Their Incoherence Does
Australian Bases Are For Economic Interests
Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf Accused of Quashing Opposition Media
Herman Cain’s Political Hopes Are Over
Harvard Students Rebel: Why They Don't Have An Effective Protest
How Hactivists Can Help Fight Crime