Charlie Thompson

Former naval aviator (18 years, EA6B(, former executive with Andrew Government Systems and Chrysler Technologies Middle East internationally marketing defense electronics. currently general consultant for community & economic development residing in Florida. Very well traveled, fairly well educated (MA, public admin/polisci). Married, five kids. Ran for congress (TX 5th Congressional District) in 2006 - garnered about 36% of the vote. Currently active in No Labels, and America Elects and dabbling at teh edges of the Coffee Party.


Marco Rubio for President 2016 Rumors Are Unfounded: His Speech Was Uninspired


Marco Rubio For President 2016: Why It Was Good That Romney Chose Paul Ryan for VP


Torture Works: What I Learned From Being Water Boarded


Florida Swing State 2012: Voters Frustrated With Obama and Romney