David Weinberger is Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment with the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network. David is primarily interested in issues related to sustainable urban development, conservation planning, environmental diplomacy, and ecology and trade. A senior at Hunter College of the City University of New York, he is studying political science and public policy. Outside of Hunter and the Roosevelt Campus Network, he has held internships at the New York State Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the U.S. Department of State, the Democratic National Committee, and the New York CIty Regional Economic Development Council. As Lead Strategist with the Campus Network for two years, David worked with students from every region of the U.S. to engage with their communities, assess key needs, and formulate effective, progressive policy recommendations and plans for local action. Projects on which David is most proud to have collaborated in his capacity as Strategist include: a community outreach and policy research trip to oil spill-effected towns along the Gulf, a national energy and environment policy and advocacy conference in Arizona, two editions of an annual student-written 10 Ideas for Energy and Environment publication, and a high-profile Blueprint for a Millennial America publication produced by the Campus Network.