Look for Drew's latest book, Song Ba To, a novel of the Vietnam War. Drew has been the op-ed writer and crisis communications manager for CA Gov. Gray Davis, Speechwriter and advisor to Phil Angelides & Bill Lockyer. Labor journalist. Other published novels include; Pilgrimage; Marin 2120 AD -- the last two are both sci fi). Currently writing second Vietnam War novel titled, A Shepard to Fools.
Government Shutdown 2013 is Just the First Act, the Debt Ceiling is Next
Bradley Manning Trial: Is Our Future an Orwellian Nightmare Or Information Anarchy?
Immigration Reform 2013: We're So Close, But is It Out Of Reach?
Boston Bombing: Background Checks Would've Caught Tsarnaev Brothers Early
Paracel Islands Tourists Could Spark An International Rift
Caroline Kennedy Nomination: Some U.S. Ambassadors Are Cronies, But Who Cares?
The Simple Reason We Need to Reform Social Security
Are the Republicans and Democrats Trading Places On Foreign Policy?
Budget 2013: Why a Grand Bargain is Totally Out Of the Question
Sequestration 2013 Will Significantly Hurt Millennials, Red States
Chris Christie's Minimum Wage Increase Veto Will Be His Undoing in 2016
With Unions On the Decline, Will Workers' Alliances Take Their Place?
Filibuster Reform: A Simple Explanation Of Why It Failed in the Senate (Again)
The Debt Ceiling Is a Distraction From a Much More Serious Economic Problem: Spending
Jack Lew Nomination: Why Are Women Never Considered for Treasury Secretary?
American Spending, Not American Debt, is the Biggest Crisis We Face
Debt Ceiling 2013: Half-Truths Cloud the Debate Over U.S. Debt
Debt Ceiling Deal: What Should We Cut?
Unions are Vital to the Welfare of the American Worker
Fiscal Cliff 2013: Here's What Obama's Next Offer Should Be