Jacob performed health care policy research at a prominent libertarian think tank for 2 years before working at a major health care consulting firm in Washington, DC.
CPAC 2013: What the GOP Can Learn From Libertarians
Washington DC Election Results LIVE: Election Creates Buzz in the Capitol
Gary Johnson 2012: Why Libertarians Should Vote for Romney Instead
Why I Am Voting For Mitt Romney
Electoral College Map Looks Extremely Promising for Mitt Romney
The Reason Libertarians Are Lukewarm About Paul Ryan as VP
Ryan Medicare Plan: How it Will Impact Millennials in 40 Years
Why No One Criticizes the US Socialized Health Care Which Has Been Around For 100 Years
Obamacare Decision Will Force More Americans to Shy From Big Government
Washington DC Could Care Less About Republican Primary
Don't Conflate Ron Paul, the Tea Party, and Libertarianism
The ACA's Downfall