As a teaching-focused academic, much of my time is spent in teaching undergraduates. I use innovative teaching methods and publish in the pedagogical literature, as well as in my discipline. My main teaching responsibility in the School of Biological Sciences is running the large 1st year biological chemistry course Principles of Molecular Bioscience (BS1030). I design and teach the whole of this course, which includes a large practical component. As well as giving traditional lectures I use Pearson’s Learning Catalytics to run in-class problem-solving sessions, which improve engagement and feedback, and I deliver course content online in a blended, semi-flipped approach. I have won several Royal Holloway awards for my teaching in this course, most recently a College Excellence Teaching Prize in 2016. I also teach in two biochemistry courses and supervise 3rd-year undergraduate research projects (Independent Research Project, BS3010). Some of these projects are in the areas described below, while others are in different fields, such as the biological uses of nanoparticles, environmental chemistry and taste chemistry.