James Skoufis

James Skoufis (New York State Assemblyman in the 99th Assembly District) was born in Flushing, Queens in 1987, and is a resident of the Town of Woodbury in New York State’s Hudson Valley. He earned his B.A. summa cum laude from The George Washington University and M.A. from Columbia University. Having spent the first many years of his life in New York City Public Housing and being only one generation removed from food stamps, James understands the struggles that many families are bearing and has been a strong advocate for his working- and middle-class constituents. College affordability and strengthening New York State’s economy have been top priorities during James’ first two years in the State Assembly. In addition to authoring Tuition-Free NY, James has been successful in helping New York attract new jobs while cutting state taxes for families and businesses. James has also been active in his home district, leading local relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Irene while fighting to maintain quality care for seniors, veterans and the disabled. Most recently, James led the fight to save his hospital’s full-time emergency department which would have closed services for thousands; and has publicly opposed reducing care at his county’s nursing home, which was successfully overturned by a court order. The son of a Greek immigrant, James' family includes his mother, Donna, father, George, and two sisters, Melissa and Anna Maria.


The Case For Free College Tuition