Marci Santiago was born and raised in New York City. She is passionate about politics, knitting and cooking. She works in the TV news industry and writes a blog about knitting. She is a trained Salsa dancer and enjoys reading and writing in her spare time.
NBC Has Ruined Olympics 2012 For All of Us
Linsanity Goes To Houston: Jeremy Lin Leaves NYC After Knicks Fail To Match Rockets Offer
Outsourcing Problem Was Not Created By Obama
Internet Doomsday Virus: Why The U.S. Needs To Beef Up Cyber Security
Scientology At Center of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorce
Obamacare Ruling: How the Supreme Court Redefined the 2012 Election
Obama Bain Capital Attacks Miss the Mark: Millennials Need a Jobs Plan, Not Finger-Pointing
Supreme Court Arizona Immigration Ruling: Majority of SB 1070 Struck Down By SCOTUS
Obama Immigration Reform: 3 Reasons to Support His New Policy