Nomiki Konst

Nomiki Konst is a former 2012 Congressional candidate for Arizona's second district. She's an advocate for Government 2.0, civil discourse, millennial politics and equal representation. She is the founder and former Executive Director of Alliance Hollywood, an organization dedicated to training members of the entertainment industry on how to speak civilly about politics. She also helps organizations and companies bridge the divide between Millennials and Baby Boomers and regularly speaks about the new economy being forged by Millennials. Nomiki is active in Democratic politics as an At-Large member of the DNC Youth Council and Gen44, and she is a proud Partner with the Truman National Security Project. In another life, she would've been a food critic. She speaks four languages, with a killer accent and terrible grammar, doesn't eat meat and, little known fact: she loves to chill with the elderly. She splits her time between AZ and NYC and encourages you to tweet her ideas on how to improve government @NomikiKonst.


President Barack Obama wins Ohio and Re-Election : LIVE


Latest Presidential Polls: Obama Wins Presidential Debate


Presidential Debate Polls Declare Obama the Winner


CNN Poll: Ryan Won the VP Debate 2012, But Biden Won With Independents


The Future of Candidates: Win Through Authenticity


Obama vs Romney: The One Message Mitt Could Use to Actually Win Election 2012


Pat Robertson Wife Beating Comments: Why We Cannot Accept the CBN Apology


Election 2012 and Social Media: How Technology Will Eliminate the Need for Big Money Politics


Why Hurricane Issac 2012 is a Gift to the GOP From the Political Gods


Cory Booker is No Millennial, So He Should Not Be Launching the News Site #Waywire