Samantha Kimmey

Samantha is originally from Huntington, WV and received a B.A. in English at Kenyon College. After graduating, she became an Americorps VISTA, serving at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence in Louisville, KY. She worked with nonprofits serving economically impoverished communities in the region by identifying weaknesses and presenting research and resources to combat these challenges. After her year of service, Samantha is particularly interested in issues of poverty, the environment and food politics. Fun fact: Samantha recently made a (mostly) successful batch of French macaroons, which she cites as one the most note-worthy accomplishments of her life.


New Voting Laws May Disenfranchise Millions of Americans


Wal-Mart Continues to Shrug Off Sex Discrimination


Catholic Hospitals Limit Women’s Reproductive Care


Why Big Brother Should Stop Testing Welfare Recipients


AmeriCorps Can Improve the Government’s Workforce