William Yang is a writer, activist and blogger currently residing in Philadelphia while finishing his Master of Journalism degree at Temple University. He enjoys writing about human rights, equality and social welfare issues. While he's not writing, photography becomes another way for him to tell stories.
3 Most Heartwarming Gay Couples Throughout History
Supreme Court Gay Marriage 2013: A Look At All the Ways the Court Could Rule
Boy Scouts Gay Ban: How Have Religious Leaders Reacted to Gays in Scouting?
This Couple Was Booted From a Taxi For Being Gay And Now They're Fighting Back
Christine Quinn: NYC Mayoral Hopeful Announces Defense Classes for LGBT Safety
A Fascinating Chart of the 10 Most Gay-Friendly Cities in the U.S.
Gay Marriage 2013: Puerto Rico Makes Anti-LGBT Discrimination Illegal
Gay Marriage 2013: Marine Corps Captain and Boyfriend Say "I Do" In Seattle
DOMA Ruling: As Violent Anti-Gay Marriage Protests Rock France, Will the Same Happen in the U.S.?
'Bashing' App: How This Smartphone App is Helping End Anti-Gay Hate Crimes
Obama Morehouse Commencement: What Can the LGBT Movement Learn From the Civil Rights Movement?
Mark Carson Murder: Anti-Gay Hate Crimes Are Far From a Distant Memory
Marc Carson: NYC Shooting Proof We Must Do More to Stop Anti-Gay Hate Crimes
Gay Marriage 2013: What Can Other States Learn From This Week's Big Three?
Gay Adoption: Bill Could Guarantee LGBT Families Full Adoption, Foster Care Rights
Gay Marriage: Lesbian Couple Marries Nine Times in Eight Cities in 10 Days
Gay Rights: Despite Progress on Marriage, the Road to Coming Out Is a Long One
Rob Portman's Approval Rating Drops 10 Points After Gay Marriage Shift
Gay Marriage: What New Zealand Can Teach the U.S. About Marriage Equality