Chelsea Handler Just Frexted Reese Witherspoon a Nude Selfie For Her Birthday
Tuesday marked the 40th birthday of Academy Award winner (and self-described Southern gal), Reese Witherspoon, who happens to be friends with comedian Chelsea Handler.
To commemorate the occasion, Handler didn't give Reese Witherspoon, say, a nice handbag, or a gift certificate to the Cheesecake Factory, as most BFFs would. Instead, she posted a nude selfie to social media in Witherspoon's honor.
In other words, Chelsea Handler sent Reese Witherspoon a friend sext, or frext.
As defined by Medium's Alana Hope Levinson last year, the term "frexting" refers to the act of sexting a platonic friend as a "way to feel attractive and celebrate whatever it is you like about your body in a way that feels playful and fun," according to a frequent frexter quoted in the piece. So hoo actually does this? Mostly women, apparently (because dudes sending nudes to each other would obviously be gayer than a scented candle, which is, like, fine if you're into that sorta thing, but no homo, bro).
Unlike most acts of frexting, however, Chelsea's nude birthday greeting to Reese was public and posted to Instagram and Facebook. This is presumably because a) Handler is a known social media nudist who has stripped down many times to advocate for the #FreeTheNipple campaign, and b) she wanted to provide the world with an educational example of what frexting actually is. And it worked, because now you know. Now we all know!
Check out more of Handler's infamous naked Instagram moments below, why don't you?
h/t JustJared