'Big Brother 18': Paulie Attacks Natalie, Calling Her as "Fake" as Her Breasts

On Thursday, in a special double-eviction episode of Big Brother, houseguests Zakiyah and Bridgette were sent packing and off to the jury house.
Because the double eviction took up most of the runtime of Thursday's one-hour episode, Sunday night's installment aired a necessary flashback to what went down in the house prior to Zakiyah's eviction. In the flashback, Natalie decides to let Zakiyah know some things that Paulie had been saying to her, like, "Put that little Latin booty away," and other inappropriate comments.
Natalie also tells Zakiyah that Paulie had a lot to do with her going up on the block. For fans who watch the live feeds, this is familiar territory. But for fans who just watch broadcast episodes on CBS, this is a major shift.
Because apparently this is the time to reveal all, Natalie goes to her boo, James, to tell him about Paulie's comments. He then goes to Paulie to ask about it, and Paulie responds that he comments on how all the girls in the house look and that he'd never actually go after Natalie.
Paulie chooses to handle the situation head-on by telling Natalie that she'll be sent home soon. "You're about as fake as the things on your chest," he says to her.
Natalie and Paulie then have it out in the Head of Household room in front of their fellow houseguests. Natalie asks Paulie why he'd ever talk to her the way he did and Paulie wants to know why Natalie is so flirtatious with all of the guys in the house. "You need to get over yourself," he says.
Natalie brings up that she doesn't believe Paulie's intentions with Zakiyah are "honest and good." The conversation ends with Natalie and James leaving the room and Paulie shouting that she's fake.
Seeing this fight leads Paul to believe he can no longer trust Paulie. "I'm going to distance myself," he says in the Diary Room.
Flash forward to about 90 minutes before the first eviction Thursday night, and James decides to let the cat out of the bag and tell Paulie he was voting out his girl Zakiyah. It's safe to say that Paulie doesn't like it when things don't go his way. As Paul says, "Homie [Paulie] is a little bit crazy."
Head of Household competition
In a competition titled "Hollywood Squirrels," contestants two at a time step up to a podium and are asked a question about an image that appears. If they answer correctly, they move on and select the next two players. James knocks out Michelle in the first round. Paul then beats Nicole, and Victor wins against Natalie. Paul answers a question before Paulie and then Victor before James.
In the final matchup, Victor beats Paul for this week's Head of Household win.
Before the nomination ceremony, Paul tries to convince Victor to put up Corey and Paulie. "We're down to eight," Paul says to him. "We need to think about our game."
America's Care Package
Nicole receives the third care package voted on by viewers. Inside is scrunchies, mosquito spray and the the power of "Super Safety." She will be safe this week but has to wear a costume. Next week's winner will become co-HOH, able to pick one of the two nominations.
Nomination ceremony
Victor listens to Paul and nominates Corey and Paulie. "You're the strongest competitor," Victor tells Paulie. Corey is just "guilty by association."
Paulie is then seen crying in the diary room about the thought of Corey leaving. Stay tuned, the next episode of Big Brother will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. Eastern on CBS.