Jesse Williams nails the importance of voting in the 2016 election in powerful PSA

Actor Jesse Williams continues to use his celebrity for important social causes — the latest example coming in a new election PSA for the Save the Day super PAC. In the ad, he encourages Americans to vote in the election.
Williams opens with addressing common statements made by people who choose not to vote — for example, if you live in a red or blue state, a single vote wouldn't ostensibly make much of a difference. But Williams makes the case beyond the presidential election.
"This is not about the White House," he says. "This is about your house. If you're not registered to vote, you can't sit on a jury. You can't choose your mayor. You can't choose your city council. You can't even choose your district attorney. You can't decide which measures will help your family and community, and which will put them at risk."
Williams has collaborated with the Save the Day super PAC before, appearing in a star-studded voting campaign earlier this month helmed by director Joss Whedon. With two PSAs in a matter of weeks, the message is simple, but resonant: Go out and vote this November.
"You say, 'Vote,' because there are people who still don't want you to," Williams concludes.
Watch Williams' voting PSA below.