Vine is dead. Here's how to download and save your Vine videos before the funeral.

Rest in peace, Vine. On Thursday, Twitter announced in a Medium post that it would discontinue the Vine mobile app within the next few months. Vine was beloved by many users who flocked to the app to post six-second, looping clips of kooky animals, cute kids, hilarious fails, celebrity memes and more.
"Since 2013, millions of people have turned to Vine to laugh at loops and see creativity unfold," Vine wrote. Many creators even launched social media careers on the app and then transitioned to Snapchat, the Independent reported.
Vine was home to hilarious, cursing kids.
It looped our public figures' finest moments.
And cute animal content thrived like never before.
It's safe to say it's a sad, sad day for the internet.
But don't drown in a pool of your own tears just yet. Even though Twitter is discontinuing the Vine app, the videos will be viewable online for the foreseeable future — the Medium post said the company would notify the public before any changes are made to the Vine website.
Act now and you can save your favorite Vines for posterity. Luckily, there's an easy trick for saving Vines.