'Sims 4' Abduction: How to get abducted by aliens in the game


There are tons of wacky supernatural things in The Sims 4, including vampires and aliens. You don't even need to use cheat codes in Sims 4 to bring them out of hiding, either. You can create your own Vampire Sims or turn existing Sims into Vampires, and you can also bait Sims to be abducted by aliens. If you're wondering how to get your Sims probed and poked by aliens in The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack, look no further! 

How to get abducted by aliens in The Sims 4

Abductions are actually a random occurrence, so you can't force one to occur, unfortunately. But you can raise the likelihood of one occurring by way of utilizing the Scientist Career type. If you have Sims who follow the Scientist Career path, they have a higher chance of being abducted by aliens, according to Carl's Sims 4 Guide

If you don't have a Scientist Sim or don't want to make one, however, you can use a special cheat code to do so. 

First, use the command control + shift + C to open up the special cheat bar that allows you to issue cheat commands and use cheat codes. If you're on a PC, press and hold the keys together. If you're on a Mac, use command + shift + C. You will see a white bar pop up at the top of the screen, according to IGN

Electronic Arts/Carl's Sims 4 Guide

Then type "bb.showhiddenobjects" without quotation marks in the bar and press Enter. You need to then press the F2 key to enter Buy Mode. A search box will appear. Type "satellite" without quotation marks into the search box. You will find a satellite that pops up in the "Misc. Electronics" list of items. Place it somewhere in the world where you would like it to appear. 

Going forward you can click the satellite to keep abductions from happening for 24 hours, or make it more likely that an abduction will happen by clicking the satellite and choosing "Contact Aliens." 

Enjoy all of your impending abductions and all the fun that comes with them!

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