The Obamacare vs Trumpcare meme hilariously drags the GOP's replacement health care plan

GOP lawmakers released a draft bill on Monday of the American Health Care Act — the Republican Party's proposed alternative to the Affordable Care Act, known to many as Obamacare — which was met with many negative responses, despite the support of President Donald Trump. Following the release, the internet quickly did what the internet does best: memed the heck out of it.
Why? Crucially, the new GOP plan appears to strip health coverage away from millions of people, as critics point out — and ill and low-income care recipients could be hurt most, while wealthier Americans would benefit. The draft bill, dubbed "Trumpcare" by many, would also still penalize those without health coverage — a key criticism of the ACA.
Unsurprisingly, these details have prompted internet backlash: Here are some of the most noteworthy versions of the Obamacare vs. Trumpcare meme.
Not only would the GOP's replacement plan effectively jeopardize the health care of millions of Americans and make many pay more, but those Americans could include workers who get health insurance through employers, as well.
A new poll by CNN/ORC released Tuesday found that a majority of Americans are happy with their current health coverage and quality of health care, while Americans are split almost 50/50 on some key changes the GOP's alternative seeks to enact.