What does A Day Without a Woman look like? Send us your photos!

What does A Day Without a Woman look like? Instead of showing you, we asked you to show us! We want to see what your office looks like when women go on strike for their rights.
Keep sending us your stories, your photos and your videos to ADayWithoutAWoman@mic.com and we may feature them in an article or on our social media channels.
Here are a few of our readers' submissions below:
I work from home, so it was difficult to strike, but I was sure to wear red and my Planned Parenthood pin wherever I went — school, grocery store, soccer field. I dressed my two sons in red, as well. I only found two female employees, and they were completely unaware of the women's strike. Once I informed them, they said they'd find something red to wear in solidarity. Unlike many people online, I was not met with any negativity! I'm lucky enough to live in a town where people are supportive, open-minded and well educated — which happens to be 20 minutes south of Mar-a-Lago! I made donations to Planned Parenthood, Equality Florida and our local JCC yesterday.
I'd like to suggest instead of a strike, we have a "day of volunteering." I understand the strike was to show people the impact on the economy/society that women have, but I'd prefer to show them how much good we can do when we all work together. — Danielle G., Florida
I'm very lucky that my team at work is made up entirely of amazing, hard-working, awe-inspiring, female role models. We all made a pact not to take the day off, and instead we came to work to support one another. Here's a pic of some of us repping red. At my work, the female future is here! — Vicki H.
Sharing for a friend. [This is Wednesday] morning's commute from Virginia headed into Washington, D.C. The normally jam-packed Route 66 was eerily empty. — Melanie E.
This is Miracle R., a 7-year-old activist participating in A Day Without a Woman. She was present from the beginning gathering at 59th Street — noon — all the way until our leaders were released from jail at 9 p.m.. The first picture is during the arrest where she stood and confronted police for "arresting women who did nothing wrong," the second is her interviewing with the News 1 reporter Darissa at the precinct. — Shanequa C., New York City
We gave our 175 female [staffers] the afternoon off to volunteer in honor of International Women's Day. — Charlie L., London
I am a ticketing systems manager for the Texas Performing Arts at the University of Texas — Austin. I did have to do some maintenance today, I am available 24/7 to keep all our systems synced and selling tickets! The director and almost all of her assistant directors are all women. We rule!
In the snaps I sent, those are my plagues of progress. Been with UT since 1991, started as a part-time phone room ticket seller and worked my way up
Spent the day quietly with my dog. We ate lunch at a women-owned cafe. This is our selfie! Her name is Bella and she's a rescue. — Cynthia C.
Showing solidarity lighting the Baltimore City Hall red — Denise R., Baltimore
It's International Women's Day, and I came to work for the very reason my sign says: Too many women in Detroit rely on my staff and I to come to work today to help them find employment and empower them to become self-sufficient so they can support their families. As much as I would have liked to take the day off, and my staff would have too, if we wouldn't have come to work, our women's empowerment and employment program would have had to also close for the day!
I work for Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit's Flip the Script Women's Empowerment Program and we fight everyday to help empower women to change their lives, by putting people with employment challenges to work. — Jennifer R., Detroit
The Sexual Assault Awareness Month committee in Augusta, Georgia, went to work to continue the fight for sexual assault and domestic violence awareness. — Emily G.
Currently Poland is in a very dire situation: The parliament has been taken over by an Orthodox Catholic, right-wing party. They try to completely delegalize abortion. [The] Plan B pill can only be prescribed by a doctor (if the doctor decides that it collides with their religious views, [the doctor] can say no) [and] organizations fighting for women's rights have been defunded along with any cultural projects that don't give off a nationalist vibe. They've basically destroyed judicial independence by controlling courts on every level. We are all scared that they are planning to change election laws. This is a picture from the day. — Katarzyna N., Lodz, Poland
We wear red and strike today because as a mother of two boys it is so important they grow up defending and supporting women's rights. My husband, who is not pictured here, also went to work wearing red to support all women and to show his sons how important their mom and all the other women in this world are. — The Sekishiro Family
A Day Without a Woman rally — Liz H., Carbondale, Illinois
Benjamin: "I am going to hug you because you're dressed like a valentine!"
Raising my boy to respect. — Diana N.
We at Mamava are a women-owned and founded company. While we couldn't take the day off because we're a startup that's got to keep going to support our mamas, we did all wear red in solidarity :) See our Mamava lactation suite in the background behind our two eight-month pregnant employees! We support breastfeeding mamas on the go by providing them clean, private and dignified spaces to pump or nurse privately. — Brittany N., Burlington, Vermont
The desks are a little empty today because a lot of folks are out of the office. We stand with them. — Calvin S., New York City
Walked out of my office and went to the park. Catching up on some books about women, by women. — Emily G.
Instilling the principles of love, equality and the delicate art of being a badass into the next generation of strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. — Jacy and Ella C., Dallas
As I was walking to my Midtown office, I saw a bunch of posters being taken off a vacant storefront. As I got closer, I noticed the poster itself. Trump's iconic quote. — Mike S., New York City
March 9, 2017, 8:42 a.m.: This story has been updated.
Our story isn't complete without yours. Please keep sending us your photos, your videos, your anecdotes — anything and everything — to ADayWithoutAWoman@mic.com and we may add them here or use them on our social media platforms.