Burned Your Tweet is a robot that automatically burns all of Donald Trump's tweets

Some mad genius has created a robot which appears to automatically print each and every one of the president's posts, apply a series of mechanical appendages to carefully snip the tweet and deposit it in an adjacent ashtray, and then light that sucker on fire.
Say hello to @burnedyourtweet, the Donald Trump-themed robot which puts previous Donald Trump-themed robots to shame.
Since the account first posted at 9:13 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, @burnedyourtweet has carefully disposed of eight such dispatches from Trump. It began by burning the president's announcement he would appear on Fox & Friends, continued by burning claims of "JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!", and proceed to put to the torch Trump's boasts and taunts over the failed Affordable Care Act repeal and unfounded accusations about Hillary Clinton's ties to Russia, among others.
It's mesmerizing.
Beyond casual arson, the anonymous creator of @burnedyourtweet has tweeted only to briefly thank another user for formatting tips and to tweet "I am a robot that automatically prints and burns Trump's tweets" at a handful of users popular among left-wing tweeters. An associated Reddit account similarly offered few clues, other than to clarify "the scissor and grabber servos turn at the same rate the grabber just has greater mechanical advantage."
Hopefully @burnedyourtweet is programmed to go slowly, because a president capable of tweeting all-caps threats at a rate that has exhausted roughly 70% of the country is also perhaps a president capable of overloading this robot into burning the building down.
@burnedyourtweet did not immediately respond to a request for comment by Mic.