In 2009, Paul Ryan made a perfect case against his planned Trumpcare vote

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) scheduled a vote on the new version of the Republican health care bill for Thursday. That gives the American public less than 24 hours to read the bill, and forces a vote on the unpopular American Health Care Act before the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has had time to study its full impact.
There was a time when Ryan himself was vehemently against rushing legislation through Congress without time for public input or a CBO score. It was way back in 2009, when Congress was debating the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
"I don't think we should pass bills that we haven't read that we don't know what they cost," Ryan said on MSNBC in 2009.
In July 2009, Ryan wrote an op-ed in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, his hometown newspaper, making the same case.
"Congress is moving fast to rush through a health care overhaul that lacks a key ingredient: the full participation of you, the American people," Ryan wrote in the op-ed.
Eight years later, Ryan isn't taking his own advice — opening himself up to charges of hypocrisy in order to pass a desperately unpopular bill that would gut pre-existing conditions protections and possibly lead to 24 million people losing their insurance.