Jason Chaffetz became an instant meme when he scooted in to vote for the AHCA

They see him rollin', they hatin'.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) scooted into the House chamber with a post-op foot injury Thursday to cast a "yes" vote for the American Health Care Act — a health care bill that will kick an estimated 24 million people off their health insurance, increase costs to older and sicker Americans and weaken protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Chaffetz's decision to make the trip back to Capitol Hill shortly after surgery to ensure Republicans had enough votes to pass the AHCA led to an immediate roasting on Twitter.
Many pointed out the irony of Chaffetz returning to Washington, D.C., after his insurance covered his foot surgery to vote for a bill that would lead millions of other Americans to lose their health care.
"Chaffetz is all smiles as he scoots back from a fully insured surgery to repeal health coverage for millions," Ben Marter, communications director to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), tweeted.
The jokes abounded.
"Find someone who looks at you how Jason Chaffetz looks at the possibility of stripping health insurance from millions of people," Zach Heltzel tweeted.
Chaffetz, who announced he won't run for re-election in 2018, will provide a crucial vote for the AHCA on Thursday.
With more than a dozen Republicans expected to vote against the bill, Chaffetz's absence would have left the House GOP with even less wiggle room to pass the bill.
Chaffetz has enjoyed a few viral moments in recent months. In early March, Chaffetz said in a CNN interview that Americans might have to make tough choices in order to afford health care, including choosing between buying a new iPhone or getting health care.