Movement Must-Reads: Nicki Minaj, dining during #MeToo, introducing a trans partner to your family

A broad variety of stories in this week’s edition of the Movement newsletter, including words on an all-women art exhibit, the ethics of dining in the wake of #MeToo, an advice column focused on transgender issues and two people who say rapper Nicki Minaj targeted them for online harassment after they criticized her.
Read on for more — and subscribe to this newsletter here.
From Mic:
Mic’s Serena Daniari with the second entry in her weekly column, Transplaining, which deals with a cisgender man mulling how best to introduce his trans partner to his family.
Rachel Tepper Paley on the ethical questions around dining at the Spotted Pig, the popular New York City burger joint whose co-owner, Ken Friedman, faces multiple allegations of sexual harassment from former employees.
Natelegé Whaley on a new all-women art exhibit in Los Angeles, and what happens when rapper Nicki Minaj targets you for online harassment.
Chauncey Alcorn on the ongoing feud between a pair of black and white neighbors in Maple Heights, Ohio. The white couple has called police on its black neighbors several times to deal with minor interpersonal disputes, including in June, when a 12-year-old black boy the black neighbors had hired to mow their law accidentally crossed onto the white family’s property.
And Aaron Morrison on the racial justice groups diving into the fray to protest the Trump administration’s draconian immigration policies.
From elsewhere:
Two interesting New York Times op-eds: one from author Tayari Jones connecting the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela to the United States’ immigrant child-separation policies, and the second from Cleuci de Oliveira on Brazilian soccer star Neymar and his — and his country’s — complicated relationship with blackness.
And NBC’s report on the unfolding story of Rep. Jim Jordan, who back when he was an assistant coach for the Ohio State University men’s wrestling team allegedly knew about allegations that a team doctor was molesting athletes, according to former wrestlers.
That’s all for now. Until next week.
— Zak Cheney-Rice, editor, The Movement