Mic Daily: The effects of Hurricane Michael on the upcoming midterms — and other news of the day


Good evening, folks. It’s a supremely gray, soggy day here in New York City and it’s got me feeling lethargic. Nevertheless, as usual, I’m here to share with you the five best stories out of Mic today.

Kanye West just met with Trump at the White House. And it was... bizarre.

Pool/Getty Images

Kanye West and President Donald Trump met Thursday at the White House to discuss “manufacturing resurgence in America, prison reform, how to prevent gang violence and what can be done to reduce violence in Chicago,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.

It seems they may have gotten a bit off topic.

Brian Kemp is reportedly holding onto 53,000 voter applications — mostly from black people

Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Accusations of widespread voter suppression have stalked Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s gubernatorial run for a while now. According to a recent Associated Press report, those suspicions were not unwarranted.

The report found that 53,000 voter registration applications are currently on hold — and a vast majority were filed by black citizens.

GoDaddy gives alt-right apparel company a platform to raise money for Charlottesville rioters


A brand-new website has popped up dedicated to four men arrested for their roles in the 2017 white-supremacist-led riots in Charlottesville, Virginia. The men, who belong to a hate group known as the Rise Above Movement, are reportedly trying to crowdfund their legal fees through the sale of $10 stickers.

GoDaddy, the site’s host, argued this activity doesn’t violate its terms of service, despite its previous shuttering of sites belonging to fellow white supremacists Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin.

How Hurricane Michael could scramble Florida’s tight midterm races

Gerald Herbert/AP

Hurricane Michael wrought havoc on Florida on Wednesday, flattening coastal structures and dealing immense damage. Campaign strategists argue the aftermath of the storm — that is, how politicians address their communities’ needs and behave in Michael’s wake — could impact the upcoming midterms.

Transitioning at work can be tough. Here are some tips from someone who’s done it.

Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

In honor of National Coming Out Day, we asked transgender advocate Dana Pizzuti to share some advice on how to navigate a gender transition in the workplace.

She would know — her own experience with transitioning wasn’t exactly ideal.

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