Mic Daily: Stacey Abrams speaks up over Brian Kemp’s attempts at voter suppression

Good evening folks, and happy Monday. I hope your weekend was restful and rejuvenating. I, personally, spent an evening with friends slurping down some rosé in a futile attempt to keep the spirit of summer alive in our hearts — but the harsh reality of New York’s chilly autumnal rain is winning out so far.
Without further ado, here are the five top stories out of Mic today to start your week off right.
Stacey Abrams says Brian Kemp is creating “miasma of fear” over voting in Georgia
Sunday, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams spoke up about Brian Kemp’s documented efforts to suppress voter turnout at the upcoming midterm elections, saying that he had created a “miasma of fear.”
“Voting should not be a question of trust on the part of voters, whether they can trust the system,” she said. “And right now, [Kemp] is eroding the public trust in the system because 53,000 people have been told, you may be able to vote, you may not, it’s up to you to prove it.”
Missouri woman is fired after trying to stop a black man from entering his own apartment complex
Another day, another viral incident of a white person calling the police on a black person for going about their everyday life.
This time around, the white person in question was Hilary Brooke, a woman who blocked 24-year-old D’Arreion Toles from entering his own apartment complex and asking him to prove that he lived there. She then followed him up the elevator and watched him open his apartment door. Thirty minutes later, police showed up to Toles’ apartment anyway.
Indicted GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter now running anti-Muslim attack ads against his Christian opponent
Rep. Duncan Hunter, the California Republican made headlines earlier this year for allegedly using campaign funds on personal expenses — including $600 for a pet rabbit and $1,500 on video games.
He’s now distributing blatantly false claims about his Democratic opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, alleging that Campa-Najjar is a radical Muslim terrorist trying to “infiltrate” Congress.
How rising-star Democrat Pete Buttigieg wants to change the way we think about politics
Op-eds have mused whether Democrat Pete Buttigieg (his Twitter says it’s pronounced “BOOT-edge-edge”) might be our “first gay President,” but right now, his interests are decidedly more fundamental.
Buttigieg recently unveiled a new PAC called Hitting Home, which aims to help Democratic candidates “reconnect with the moral center of our party.”
In an interview with Mic reporter Brianna Provenzano, Buttigieg discussed his hopes for the PAC — and why he thinks its message is so important right now.
The blatant contradiction between what Melania Trump wears and what she says
Melania Trump made headlines months ago with her infamous “I don’t really care. Do u?” jacket — which, at the time, a representative said was not meant to communicate any overt message.
In an interview Friday night, however, Melania Trump said there actually was a not-so-hidden message behind that particular sartorial choice. And, yet she also recently claimed that she wishes people would focus on what she does, not what she wears.
This, according to Mic’s Evan Ross Katz, is a bit of a head-scratching contradiction.