Obama Impeachment: Don't Impeach Obama, Indict Big Government Instead


Well, Obama had a miserable week. It hasn't damaged his approval rating, but trust in his administration will certainly take a plunge. Obama has five scandals on his plate. The AP phone records seizure, the IRS tax fiasco, the EPA waivers scandal, Benghazi, and the still unresolved Fast and Furious catastrophe. All of these events only confirm one thing: the larger government gets, the more lawless it becomes. Senior adviser David Axelrod even admitted that government is "too vast" for the president to know everything. So, a government that's too big for so-called "rogue" operations like this to be executed should make us feel better? No wonder millennials have a deep distrust in government. Yet, should the president be impeached?  No. At least not right now.

I know many on my side are rejoicing at these latest developments — I am too. However, conservatives need to relax, and take a deep breath. We need facts, dates, and evidence showing if the executive branch was involved, especially concerning the IRS and Benghazi scandals. We can easily be overplaying our hand in this mess, and some Republicans may have already pushed us in that direction.

We need to play – in the words of RedState's Ben Domenech – the "long game." The miserable Obama era will come to a close in 2016, but his ideology won't go away. Domenech aptly noted how Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is the right – and wrong – way to deal with this scandal:

Decrying Chicago politics and a fractured Washington, the failure of hope and change, is fine and good. But there's a limit to it, and if done poorly, the attacks imply that the problem here isn't the statism; it's the guy at the head of it. In other words, that if Obama was really the ethically clean reform-minded progressive technocrat he styled himself, as when running for office, things would be just fine. In effect, this partisan morality play approach allows the Democratic Party an escape route that they shouldn't have: just firing a bunch of lower level people.

So, should Republicans start drafting articles of impeachment? No. Instead, attack the ideals that liberals adore, which rest with their love of big government. Let's call this the Domenech protocol.

Conservatives must restrain themselves with the hyper-partisan rhetoric (for now), and focus on how big government breeds corruption and abuse. Own the narrative concerning that government will do anything – and everything – to maximize its power. Attack the liberal reforms that will inevitably increase government by creating more federal workers, agencies, and regulations to keep an eye on institutions that abused its power due to this model.  

With Americans more trustful of state government, perhaps we should begin a discussion about delegating more powers to those legislatures. In the meantime, Obama has no good options to explain these fiascos. If he looks aloof, then his administration has lost control — with Washington running amok drunk with power. If he proclaims he's in charge, then the IRS and AP scandals are going to look even more political, and in both cases – draw the ire of the American people. It's becoming increasingly clear the golden age of Obama – of there ever was one – has finally ended