Obama Press Conference LIVE: Watch President Address Drones, Putin, Al-Qaeda


The president is set to address the press on a wide range of topics this afternoon, from the newly uncovered NSA email content searches to the cancelling of his meeting with President Putin. 

In a recent New York Times article, it was unveiled that the NSA is searching through the contents of American's email messages that are coming in and out of the country. This previously unknown fact was released on the same day President Obama went on the Jay Leno show saying that "There is no spying on Americans. We don't have a domestic spying program." 

Additionaly, it will be the first time that the president will have the opportunity to speak publicly about the rationale behind the cancellation of his meeting with President Putin. Initial statements by Press Secretary Jay Carney indicate that the administration made this decision after Russian authorities granted whistle-blower Edward Snowden asylum. Snowden is wanted in the U.S. for espionage charges. 

President Obama will likely receive questions pertaining to the closure of 22 American embassies across the North African and Middle Eastern regions. It is expected that the president will also be questioned about the nature of the threat and escalation of drone activity in Yemen over the past few days. At least eight drone strikes have killed over 34 suspected Al-Qaeda operatives.

Watch Obama's remarks LIVE here at 3pm EST: