What Tabloid Headlines Would Look Like if They Didn't Treat Women Like Sex Objects

Tabloids are infamous for harping on women's bodies. Those who have the audacity to venture outside without being perfectly made-up, reveal a flash of cellulite or put on an ounce of baby weight are all frequent fodder for stories that send seriously demeaning messages about the female body (and, increasingly, the male body as well — sorry, Leo).
Vagenda Magazine, a blog that describes itself as "a big 'we call bullshit' on the mainstream women's press," recently took it upon itself to flip the script on these sensational tabloid stories. Vagenda asked its Twitter followers to send "normalised" versions of snarky headlines, and the results are brilliantly subversive — and hilarious.
Vagenda's decidedly less hyperbolic headlines highlight the sexism inherent to so much of tabloid journalism. After Kate Middleton had her baby, for example, the slew of articles like the Huffington Post's "Kate Middleton Debuts Post-Baby Body One Day After Giving Birth" (she was debuting her baby, not her body) led one author to write, "If a woman doesn't live up to Western society's near-impossible beauty ideals ... it's open season on her."
The new headlines are a solid reminder that we shouldn't tolerate writing that treats women's bodies as constant fair game for sexualization and commentary. Check out the best of the bunch below.