Bill Cosby Doesn't Think He's a Rapist. Here's Why That Matters.
Guys, Can We Stop Calling Everyone "Guys" Already?
What the Conversation Around "Yes Means Yes" Is Missing
'It Follows' Is the Scariest Movie About Adolescent Angst Ever Made
John Legend and Common's Oscars Speech Is Even More Powerful Than Their Performance
Patricia Arquette's Empowering Oscars Speech Deserves a Standing Ovation
One Quote Shows Why Reese Witherspoon Is the Real Winner of the Oscars
In One Instagram, Reese Witherspoon Just Took Down the Absurdity of the Red Carpet
The True Meaning of Love, as Told by the Most Beautiful Lines in Literature
Why Every Man Should See 'Wild'
The Next Great Female Superhero Might Not Be on the Big Screen
What Happened to This Teen at School Is Body Shaming at Its Worst
A Fox Commentator Thinks Catcalling Is Perfectly Okay. Watch Jessica Williams Set Him Straight
Watch This Former Marine Take Down Military Rape Jokes in Less Than Two Minutes
California's Historic New Bill Just Changed "No Means No" to "Yes Means Yes"
If Marvel Drew Male Superheroes the Same Way It Draws Female Ones, Here's How Absurd It Would Look
If We Gave Men the Same Rape Advice We Give Women, Here's How Absurd It Would Sound
'Sin City: A Dame To Kill For' Is 102 Minutes of Blatant Misogyny
'Outlander' Just Gave Us the Most Feminist Moment on Television This Year
Fox News Doctor Showcases Stunning Ignorance With Comments About Michelle Obama's Weight