Alanis Morissette is back to guide us through 2020

Alanis Morissette’s third studio album, Jagged Little Pill, won a record number of Grammys and created its own cult following. It’s the album that delivered iconic singles like “Ironic,” “One Hand in My Pocket,” “You Learn,” and “Head Over Feet.” It is such a timeless album that despite its release six months before my birth, I remember hearing the music on the radio, in movies, everywhere.
The lyrics to “One Hand in My Pocket,” in particular, still ring true today.
“I'm young and I'm underpaid / I'm tired but I'm working, yeah / I care but I'm restless, I'm here but I'm really gone/ I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby.”
We’re all still tired and working, even if alternative rock is a bit of a dying genre. But even if there are few post-grunge stars left today, Jagged Little Pill has remained important — and for the upcoming 25th anniversary of the album, Morisette is going on a big tour. She’ll be joined by Liz Phair and Garbage, who toured with Morissette on the album’s initial tour in 1998. She also announced a new album, Such Pretty Forks in the Road, set to be released May 1.
Starting next June Morissette will begin a cross-country tour described as a “virtual badass 1990s female-artist nostalgia tour” by Variety. The tour will be produced by Live Nation. It follows the release of the Jagged Little Pill Broadway show, written by Diablo Cody. The Broadway show was critically received, even getting a write up in the New York Times, and will debut on stage on December 5.
For fans of one of the best selling albums of all time — which managed to perfectly encapsulate a certain type of dignified and messy female rage — this is an opportunity to sing along with Morisette live.
In the meantime, she’s released the first song from Such Pretty Forks in the Road. It’s called “Reasons I Drink,” and is available to stream now.