B.S. Public Health - Health Policy and Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Former member of the Roosevelt Institute | Campus Network. Interests lie in health care policy, international development, and politics.
North Carolina Abortion: Three Millennials Speak Out On North Carolina's Insane Abortion/Sharia Mashup Bill
Obamacare: 3 Challenges As Affordable Care Act Turns Age 3
Social Security: One Issue Dems and Republicans Should Compromise On
Government Shutdown 2013: Will the Feds Run Out Of Money On March 27?
Sequester 2013: It's a Largely Fabricated Drama By Our Leaders
4 Innovative Budget Fixes That No One is Talking About
UNC Duke Rivalry: The Greatest in the History Of Sports
LIVE State of the Union 2013: Economics Will Dominate Obama's Speech
State of the Union 2013: Social Media and Twitter Statistics
Marco Rubio's State of the Union: GOP Response
Obama State of the Union 2013: Transcript
State of the Union 2013: Obama Outlines Strategies to Reduce Gun Violence
State of the Union 2013: Sandy Hook Green Ribbon, Gun Violence & Citizenship
State of the Union 2013: Immigration Reform, Gender Equity and Fair Pay
State of the Union 2013 Text Excerpt: Infrastructure Development to "Rebuild America"
State of the Union 2013: Science, American Energy, and Research
State of the Union 2013: Balanced Approach to Curb Health Care Costs
State of the Union 2013: Obama says SOTU is "strong"
State of the Union 2013: Millennials Talk Economy, Unemployment and Role of Government
State of the Union 2013: Businesses Will Look at Economy and Jobs