Alexandra Pitcher is a junior at the University of Chicago, majoring in International Studies. Currently, Alexandra is studying abroad in fabulous Spain.
Newt Gingrich: Shariah Law is a Threat to U.S. and World
Should Tim Tebow Support Gay Rights?
Did Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2011 Snub Women?
Britain's Youth Employment Plan is Smart, But Lacking
FDA Sues Bayer Over Birth-Control Pill Ads
New Immigration Policy Remedies Human Righs Violations by DHS
Stop Online Piracy Act Will Crush Internet Innovation
U.S. Should Handle Politicians' Sex Affairs More Like Europeans
The U.S. Should Not Cooperate with China on Space Program
The Auschwitz Files: Why to Prosecute Lower-Level Officials
Bank of America's Debit Card Fees Didn't Really Go Anywhere