Having lived on three continents, I'm particularly interested in global issues and international politics. I'm a recent graduate from Oxford, with an honors BA in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. I've also worked on the hill, in microfinance, and for various nonprofits and media outlets.
ProPublica, Storify, and the Top 5 Cool New Media Startups That Are Changing the Game
In Search of a Silicon Valley Candidate for President
More Millennial Women Going Back to School, Could Boost Future U.S. Economy
The Social Media Evolution: Facebook Timeline Scrapbooks Our Lives
Rick Perry Website Stolen By Ron Paul Supporters
Huntsman Daughters Bring Much Needed Media Attention to Campaign
Hindus Celebrate Diwali, the New Year
Ed Lee is Right to Run For Reelection in San Francisco
As Obama Loses Wall Street, Will He Lose Washington?
Cornel West Arrest Leads to Questions About OWS Leadership
Netflix Plans to Nix Qwikster, As the People Wanted
Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Should Not Ignore Steve Jobs
A Case For Mandatory HPV Vaccines
Optimism in Africa: Looking Beyond Poverty
Liberal Arts: A Sound Investment in the Future
China's Baby Blues
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice Win With Free Birth Control