Nintendo Switch battery life revealed — and it's pretty good!

One of the biggest questions surrounding the Nintendo Switch was battery life, and now we have an answer. The Switch will last 2.5-6.5 hours between charges, depending on the situation, according to Nintendo's livestream presentation Thursday night.
It's unclear exactly what will decide how long the battery lasts. It's likely it will have to do with the horsepower required to power individual games — for example, the remastered version of Skyrim will probably drain the battery faster than an old-school sidescroller.
Nintendo didn't announce the exact size of the Switch's power pack. We'll be sure to ask about that spec, along with other unannounced details, at the official hands-on event.
Also announced during the presentation was the Nintendo Switch's release date of March 3 and $299.99 price point.
This story is developing.