'GTA Online' Events: 2017 is looking awesome based on the 2016 lineup

If you want to hit the highest ranks in Grand Theft Auto Online and you also want to make money faster than usual, you'll want to pay attention to regular GTA Online's events.
Events in GTA Online are not limited to holiday celebrations like the annual Festive Surprise. They are defined more by highlighting activities that offer double rank and cash rewards. Rockstar Games will usually offer players something new to buy with their hard-earned cash to celebrate each small event.
GTA Online events promote specific game modes
GTA Online events are rarely short on content. At present, Rockstar is running an event that gives double rank points and cash payouts for taking biker clubhouse contracts and for special vehicle work.
GTA Online events are also a way for Rockstar to showcase recent additions to the game. Biker contracts and special vehicle work were added with the Bikers and Import/Export expansions, respectively.
Rockstar often delivers brand-new player-versus-player modes during GTA Online events. The Festive Surprise 2016 introduced the Juggernaut match type, and the current event introduced a new mode called Collection Time.
Score discounts during GTA Online events
Rockstar also usually offers discounts on a wide range of items during its regular events. Currently, you can save 25% on certain vehicle upgrades and new property. Considering that properties in GTA Online can cost upwards of one million GTA$, 25% off is nothing to sneeze at. The 50% discount on the Executive Offices that unlocked the special cargo and vehicle cargo missions was a particularly sweet discount.
Discounts in GTA Online can be a mixed blessing, however. Spending millions of GTA$ on an item that goes on sale just a week later feels awful. So if you don't absolutely need to buy something in GTA Online but still want it, you should probably wait for it to go on sale.
GTA Online holiday events are few but awesome
The vast majority of GTA Online events have absolutely nothing to do with the major holidays, but when Rockstar does roll out a holiday-themed GTA Online event, it's usually awesome. The Festive Surprise 2016 offered a ton of Christmas-themed outfits for free, fireworks, and, of course, snowballs.
So keep your eyes open for GTA Online updates both big and small. They all ought to have something to get excited about, and there will be plenty of updates to enjoy in 2017 for sure.
GTA Online tips and tricks
Check out Mic's GTA Online guides on how to get rich, run an auto theft ring, buy and sell property, increase your strength stat, treat yourself to plastic surgery and how to kill the Insurgent, one of the most powerful vehicles in GTA Online.