NES Classic Edition Availability: Best Buy stock update confirmed — and you can buy online

There's been a lack of NES Classic Edition stock at retailers like Amazon, Target and Walmart. GameStop even told us we might as well give up if we're trying to buy the retro game machine, but Best Buy says otherwise. The company recently confirmed that Best Buy will soon start to sell the Nintendo Switch and NES Classic once again. Here's what you need to know if you're hoping to play some original Super Mario Bros.
NES Classic Edition restock: When will Best Buy sell the console?
Best Buy will have NES Classics to purchase on March 29 starting at 1 p.m. Eastern. Here's the official confirmation tweet:
The NES Classic Edition fetches more than double its retail price on resell sites like eBay. If you're in the market for the retro system, you won't want to miss Best Buy's restock. Here's how to ensure you grab an NES.
NES Classic Edition restock: How to make sure you get one
As noted by Best Buy, stock of the NES Classic edition will likely go within minutes, if not seconds. Be ready on Best Buy's NES Classic page to hit that purchase button when the restock goes into effect. If you're feeling lucky, you may want to grab a Nintendo Switch while you're at it.
Nintendo's NES re-release will cost you about $60 plus tax, so be ready to fork over that much upon checkout. And if you miss out on this NES Classic, there's still hope. It may be a while before we see another restock, but you can always keep tabs using stock sites to send you alerts.
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