Nintendo Switch System Update: Version 2.3.0 is out and Nintendo's fixes are as vague as ever

Nintendo's Switch system updates arrive early and often, and rightfully so. In its third month after launch, the Nintendo Switch still has some kinks to smooth out. Following a previous update to the Switch's software comes version 2.3.0. If you leave your console connected to Wi-Fi, odds are that it installed overnight. Here are all the sweet Switch surprises tucked inside.
Nintendo Switch Update: "General system stability" is what we've generally come to expect
There's good news and bad news about the latest Switch update. The good news is your system is now more stable. The bad news is that's all that this update appears to bring. Here are the official patch notes from Nintendo:
Improvements included in version 2.3.0General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience
If that lengthy list of alterations looks familiar, it's because those patch notes have been the same patch notes for the past three updates.
In Nintendo's defense, E3 2017 is right around the corner and the company is likely saving all their magic for the June event. With glaring omissions to the Nintendo Switch, like a virtual console to play old games and a fully fleshed-out online component, perhaps June's update will finally go beyond system stability.
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