‘Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition’: New version on sale and discounted now — here’s what’s inside

It's the one year anniversary of Overwatch and Blizzard is doing a ton to celebrate. Perhaps most importantly, you can get a slightly enhanced version of the game with a nice discount right now.
Overwatch Game of the Year Edition out now, at least 30% off on all platforms
If you head to the digital storefronts on PS4, Xbox One and Battle.net, you can get Overwatch Game of the Year Edition right now with the priced slashed by almost a whole third. PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold members also get an additional 5% off. The PlayStation Store page says that price is available until May 30.
This new version of the game includes a handful of bonuses, according to VG247. These include:
• 10 loot boxes
• Mercy's wings in Diablo III
• Tracer as a playable hero in Heroes of the Storm
• Special skins for Reaper, Soldier: 76 and Tracer
• In-game Overwatch portraits in Starcraft II
• A Hearthstone card back
• Baby Winston as a pet in World of Warcraft
Most of those things were bonuses that came with the Origins Edition of Overwatch that was available at the game's launch, so these aren't exactly new. Still, if you haven't bought Overwatch yet, they're new to you.
You'll even have a chance to try before you buy with a free Overwatch weekend running from May 26 to 29. It's never been a better time to invest in the world's best multiplayer shooter and fanfic generator.
More Overwatch news and updates
For more on Overwatch, check out the rest of what Mic has to offer. Here is an essay about how Efi Oladele was a missed opportunity for Overwatch, a deep dive into the issue of sexual harassment in Overwatch voice chat, an unintentionally hilarious infographic showing the most popular Overwatch characters in each state, a criticism of Blizzard's failures in its design of Symmetra and a dive into a cool trend on Tumblr that converts your most-played heroes into a psychedelic illustration.