'Pokémon Go' Raid Boss List: Every Pokémon you'll encounter in raid battles and their tier rankings

The Pokémon Go raids boss list may be shorter than you'd expect. In a roster of 251 pocket monsters — minus legendaries, for now — only 23 would be available to fight against with your level-20-and-above friends.
That's okay, though, because the Pokémon that did make the cut are pretty great — and some are surprisingly difficult to beat. Who's included in the Pokémon Go raid boss list? We have the answer right here.
Pokémon Go raid boss list: Charizard, Tyranitar and Lapras, oh my
The list of raid bosses in Pokémon Go come to us from r/TheSilphRoad over on Reddit. User pulsivesilver offered up a listing of every raid Pokémon you can find in the game. User lobo2ffs corroborated the data as well, and added a special chart that includes each boss Pokémon's weaknesses and attacks. Here are their findings of what Pokémon you'll find and in which tier.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
For more info on CP and who are the best Pokémon to counter raid bosses, you'll want to hit up r/TheSilphRoad.
As you'll probably notice, a raid boss's tier is denoted by how many tiny monster icons appear above its name. The stronger the enemy, the more people you'll likely need to conquer the beast in battle. Pokémon in stronger tiers are also more difficult to capture. Securing a Charizard, for example, took two raids, and during the first raid we used up all 13 of our awarded Premier Balls.
Pokémon Go raid boss list: What about Legendaries and the mythical tier 5?
There's a good chance legendary Pokémon will be made available via raids sometime this summer. Some have speculated that a tier 5 exists but is currently unavailable. This would explain where these screenshots of Dragonite as a raid boss have come from, as well as how potential legendary Pokémon fit into the picture.
Few can say for sure when — or even if — a tier 5 of raid bosses is on the way. Just make sure you don't spend all your raid passes on Magikarp before the big Chicago event.
Check out more Pokémon Go news and coverage
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