Culture Weekly Round-Up: Summer Movies, Summer Skillshare, and A Lot Of Stuff That Has Nothing To Do With Summer


Elena Sheppard (@eleshepp), May 3, 2013 

Happy May everyone!

May is going to be a huge month for PolicyMic’s Culture section. “Why?” You ask. Well I’ll break it down. First and foremost, we are officially accepting applications for the first everSummer Culture Skillshare. Participants in the skillshare will learn the ins and outs of publishing high-quality culture stories online, and will work closely with me and associate culture editor Laura Donovan to improve their writing and grow their online presence. Sound cool? Apply! And pass along the good word to interested friends. Applications are due by May 15.

Also on the May docket, summer movie season is officially here! There are tons of blockbusters coming our way in the next few months and PolicyMic will be breaking down the good and the bad, the hilarious and the horrible, and the few that will be worth your $14. Hats off to Robert Downey Jr. and Goop for kicking off the season today (and an additional hat off topundit Daniel Tanure for reviewing the film from Brazil before its U.S. release date).

Last but certainly not least, PolicyMic has a new culture intern Sam Brounstein. Welcome him, and give him some Twitter love @SamTheBearJew.

Culture Section Must Reads of the Week: 

Are Superhero Films Changing Dramatically? (Anders Bergstrom, @andersjb– The Man Of Steel trailer is out, and although it doesn't even mention Superman's name, one thing is pretty clear: the superhero genre is changing. Things are now more Terrence Malick than Michael Bay.

5 Dead Giveaways You’re From California (Jade Faugno, @JadeFaugno) – West Coast, Best Coast!

Ben and Leslie Are Totally in Love, But Perfect Romance Might Not Be What Viewers Want(Heather Price-Wright, @heatherpw) – Ben and Leslie on 'Parks and Recreation' have the type of relationship that would be wonderful ... in real life. But does a happy couple make for good TV?

5 Ways Improv Will Change Your Life (Kim Schultz, @kimschultz1) – Through games and exercises, improvisers learn to leap, to not think, to trust themselves and each other, and to play.

Why Molly Became the Millennial Drug Of Choice (Emma Greenberg, @babyg263) – Do you know molly? Those bouncy, happy, sweaty people at the Swedish House Mafia show you went to certainly do. Every generation has it's drug of choice, but how do they choose it?

What Will Become Of Don Draper in the 1970s? (Adam Hogue, @Hoguie) – Don Draper will always be Don Draper; that's the problem.

6 Signs It’s Time For You To Graduate From College Already (Jane Reynolds,@JaneBReynolds– It's hard to leave college behind, but if you've experienced any of these signs first-hand, it's really time for you to say goodbye. It's for your own good.

Millennials Should Stop Muslim-Shaming (Abdul Siddiqui, @A_R_Siddiqui) – Telling Muslims they need to "do more" to stop religious violence is a kind of shaming, and it would be really cool to stop it.

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