Here's how to be a cop in 'GTA 5'

When playing Grand Theft Auto 5, you don't have to be one of the characters pulling a heist. Instead, you can be a member of law enforcement, working against those very people. Here's how to be a cop in GTA 5.
Getting a job at the GTA 5 police station is a little different than it is IRL. In GTA 5, there's no police academy and no applications you can fill out to work in law enforcement. However, in single-player story mode, a change of clothes and a stolen police cruiser can land you a job with the Los Santos Police Department.
The following method works on the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One copies of GTA 5. This method only works if you have finished the GTA 5 story campaign and are able to play as Michael afterward — so keep that in mind if you're still playing through the story.
This information comes from several YouTube videos posted by the account AlphaWhiskeySix, which we've included below; it's also supported by another video from YouTube user Gooney Ty. If you're having trouble becoming a police office in GTA 5, these embedded video tutorials should help. Let's get started.
How to be cop in GTA 5 — Step one: Steal a police cruiser
You can't be a police officer without a police car, right? You need to get your hands on one, and then store it in Michael's garage.
If you're feeling charitable, you can steal a police cruiser from one of the police stations in the game. You'll probably get chased, meaning you'll have to lose your wanted level to proceed, but that'd be the worst of it. Or, you could cause some trouble in the streets, wait for the cops to show up, and take your cop car the old-fashioned GTA way.
How to be a cop in GTA 5 — Step two: Use the Rockstar Editor
The Rockstar Editor is a feature in GTA 5 that's meant to assist players in making game clips and movies. It's also the second key to beginning your career in law enforcement. The video clip above will work you through the process.
You can find the Rockstar Editor by pausing the game and then scrolling through the main menu categories. Select the Rockstar Editor and then select "director mode."
Once you're in director mode, you have a casting menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen. Select "actors," then "emergency services," and then "LSPD." Michael will be standing at the entrance to a trailer while you are in this menu, and you will see his clothes change based on the option you choose.
Once you've selected LSPD, you'll load back into GTA 5. From there you can jump in your stolen police cruiser and get to work!
How to be a cop in GTA 5 — Step three: Go be a police officer
Unlike in some other GTA games, there are no police "jobs" you can do, like tracking down suspects. So finding something to do as a police officer is your next challenge. Unfortunately, the list is pretty short.
If you see cops engaged in a traffic stop, feel free to give them a hand. Try tasering the suspects. If you see police officers chasing down a speeding car, you can join in.
You can also call for backup, after which the cops will defend you if they see you in a fistfight or a firefight. Use your phone to call 911 emergency services, and then call the police. The dispatcher will send a car your way. Then start some trouble, and watch the police defend their "fellow officer."
More GTA tips and tricks
Check out Mic's GTA 5 and GTA Online guides on how to get rich quick; run an auto theft ring; buy and sell property; increase your strength stat; treat yourself to plastic surgery; and kill the Insurgent, one of the most powerful vehicles in GTA Online.