Hillary Clinton has best response after Reince Priebus implies she should smile more

On Wednesday night, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed issues ranging from national security, veterans and her never-ending email scandal during NBC's "Commander In Chief Forum." Discussing such topics and essentially auditioning for the role of leader for the world's most powerful country is a pretty serious thing.
But according to Republican National Committee chairperson Reince Priebus, Clinton, should, you know, smile more.
Now, this sexist and tired criticism of Clinton is not new: She has been accused of looking angry and of yelling. Her Republican challenger Donald Trump said she had a "very average scream."
Well, Clinton had a very simple response to Priebus' criticism of her demeanor:
Even when interviewing for the highest position in the world, Clinton faces the everyday sexism many women experience in the workplace.
Take note, Priebus: A smile is not on the list of requirements to become commander in chief.