How to get Munchlax in 'Pokémon Sun and Moon' for free

As if a new Pokémon game wasn't a great enough gift on its own, Nintendo is also giving fans a free Munchlax. Here's how Pokémon Sun and Moon players can add the pre-evolved form of Snorlax to their lineups for free.
Pokémon Sun and Moon Munchlax: What's so special about it anyway?
This isn't just a regular old Munchlax. It's a special version of the Pokémon that evolves into "Pulverizing Snorlax." It also comes carrying a Z-Crystal called Snorlium Z. That makes it possible for Snorlax to use Pulverizing Pancake, one of the new Z-Moves introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Z-Moves are a totally new feature in the Pokémon franchise. They allow you to pull off an extra powerful attack, but can only be used once per battle.
Pokémon Sun and Moon Munchlax: Preorders pay off.
If you preordered Pokémon Sun and Moon you're already guaranteed to get a free Munchlax. If you still haven't purchased the game you can also qualify. As long as you get your hands on it by Jan. 11, you'll be able to take advantage of the offer.
Either way, you'll want to collect your special Munchlax as soon as possible. Once Jan. 11 rolls around, the offer is off the table. So you might as well just take care of it now.
How to get Munchlax in Pokémon Sun and Moon
If you meet the qualifications, this next part is easy. Just make sure your 3DS or 2DS is connected to the internet and then launch Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon. Then select "Mystery Gift" from the start menu and choose the "Get Via Internet" option to download your Munchlax.
To actually add Munchlax to your lineup, you'll need to visit a Pokéman Center in the game and speak to the employee behind the desk. They'll add Munchlax to your team.
Beyond its special Z-Crystal, Munchlax isn't very impressive to start. It comes at level five. So you'll want to pick it up early and start training your new Pokémon immediately.
Pokémon Sun and Moon: Everything you need to know
If you're serious about Pokémon Sun and Moon, you'll want to read up so you can be the best. Check out our guides for picking the right starter, Pokémon Sun and Moon cheats, using a damage calculator, how to catch the new legendary Pokémon and picking between Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.