Nintendo Switch Event Livestream: Where and when to watch

The Nintendo Switch livestream event is the moment Mario and Zelda fans have been waiting for. The last information dump Nintendo provided was back in October 2016 when the Switch trailer made its way to the interwebs.
Now, with just a couple of months to go, Nintendo has one last set of details to offer up before the Switch goes on sale. The company plans to livestream its presentation online. Here's where and when you can watch it live.
Nintendo Switch Livestream Event: What time will it start?
You can catch the Nintendo Switch livestream event on Jan. 12 at 11 p.m. Eastern. The event will stream live on the web at the same time around the world.
Depending on what is announced, the Nintendo Switch livestream event could last around an hour. This could change based on whether Nintendo chooses to show game trailers for launch titles as well.
Nintendo Switch Livestream Event: Where can I watch?
Nintendo fans will be able to watch the Switch livestream here. Judging by the company's tweet, fans can expect to watch on Youtube as well. In the past, Nintendo web events have also premiered on the gaming company's official Twitch page. So it's safe to assume Twitch may also stream the Nintendo Switch announcement on Jan. 12.
We'll update this post with video of the Nintendo Switch livestream when it's made available.
What details could the Nintendo Switch livestream event bring?
There are a few details Nintendo's Switch livestream event will need to clear up before fans will feel at ease. For one, Nintendo will need to answer questions surrounding the Switch's tech specs: how pixel dense will the display be, what will graphics look like, how long does battery last and more.
But more important than what the system can do is what games the Nintendo Switch will offer. By now we know that Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 and an unnamed upcoming Super Mario platforming game. As well as non-Nintendo games like NBA 2K17 and Skyrim. But we still don't know what other games will come to the Nintendo Switch, nor which games will launch with the system. We can expect to hear what games will be available for the Nintendo Switch at launch as well as the coming months. Following the end of the main event, Nintendo will hold a Treehouse event showcasing the games announced, both viewable on their Youtube and Twitch channels. The Treehoue will take place on Jan. 13 at 9:30a.m. ET.
And most important of all: the Nintendo Switch price. Rumors point to the console costing between $300 and $400. If it's less — at around $250 — it could prove to be much more attractive to buyers. If the Switch is $450 or above it could be a harder sell.
We won't know for sure until Nintendo's Jan. 12 livestream event. Stay tuned for details.
Nintendo Switch news and updates
Check out more Nintendo Switch coverage, including Mic's reports on whether the console will be backwards-compatible, what current games we want high-definition remakes of and information about the upcoming event.
For more info on what Nintendo revealed during its livestream, here's where you can get details on the Nintendo Switch price, release date, pre-orders, online services and battery life. If you're interested in the Nintendo Switch's games, here's info on the new Super Mario Odyssey game, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, 1-2-Switch and the goofy boxing game Arms.